Resource Professionals Group
Selected Publications and Presentations

Cold Climate Buildings Design Guide.   Lead author, Chapter 2, Sustainability.  Published by ASHRAE, Atlanta GA. 2015.

“Wood Energy in America”. With D. Richter, Science 323, ppp, 2009*

Moving Biomass into the Mainstream – Recognizing and Confronting Biases in the Energy Market Place. With Lew McCreery and Daniel Richter. August, 2009, International Conference on Biomass Utilization. Forest Products Society. Starkville, MS. August 4, 2009.

A Leadership Role for Foresters, Logging Professionals and Owners of Forest Land. 2008.
Annual Meeting, Maryland Forests Association. Annapolis, Maryland. November 1, 2008

Update: Opportunities for Utilization of Low Grade Timber. 2008. Eastern Pennsylvania Consultant and Industrial Foresters’ Conference. Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. Grantville, PA. October 8, 2008.

Sustainable Community Energy: A tool in Good Forestry? 2008. Masters of Environmental Management Lunch. Nicholas School of the Environment, Durham, NC. March 5, 2008.

Foresters at the Crossroad: Forest Bio-energy, Silviculture, and Community Self Reliance. 2008. Society of American Foresters Northern Hardwood Chapter Winter Mtg. Coudersport, PA. February 7, 2008

Austrian Progress in Woody Biomass Energy Development. 2007. A talk for staff at the Energy Information Administration, U.S. Department of Energy. February 16, 2007, Washington D.C.

Community Energy: A Tool for Resource Conservation and Development. Presented for multiple Meetings of PA Resource Conservation and Development Councils. 2006 – 2007.

Status of Woody Biomass Energy Production in Pennsylvania and the US. Presentation to some staff members, Austrian Energy Agency, May 4, 2006, Vienna, Austria.

Direct testimony to PA Public Utilities Commission in case regarding ownership of Alternate Energy Credits for PURPA Era power facilities, Submitted February, 2006, Harrisburg, PA.

Contributing to Energy Self Reliance and a Better Environment: Case Study on the use of Wood Energy at the Northumberland Cogeneration Facility. BTUs from the Forest Conference, West Virginia University Appalachian Hardwood Center. June 30, 2005, Morgantown, WV.

Power from Biomass: Merging Self Reliance with Economic Development and a Better Environment. 2004. Proceedings, American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Austin, TX. November 11, 2004.

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